Diamond Size Chart and Comparison

Find and compare diamond shapes and sizes and learn about the ideal proportions each diamond should have. Diamond Size Chart is a useful online tool to help you pick the best and most brilliant diamond or engagement ring for your budget.

* The length, width and depth are in millimeters and are optional. We'll use the ideal measurement for any blank values based on the carat and type of diamond.

Diamond Sizes in MM

Diamond size charts are very useful for gemologists and jewelers, but also for anyone who wants to compare the size of a specific diamond shape across different carat weights.

To help you find the perfect diamond for your needs, we used AI to analyze millions of diamonds and created a diamond shape guide for each of the most popular diamond cuts.

You'll be able to find details on the ideal proportions for a given diamond shape and carat weight, and check that the dimensions of the stone are adequate to make sure it looks as brilliant as possible.

These charts will give you pre-calculated carat to mm conversions, as well as recommended length-to-width ratios, depth percentages, table percentages and more.

Round Cut Diamond

A classic choice, the Round Brilliant cut is renowned for its exceptional sparkle and fire, and is the most popular diamond shape.

Princess Cut Diamond

The Princess cut is a modern favourite, offering a unique square shape and plenty of shine.

Emerald Cut Diamond

The Emerald cut is a timeless classic, with its rectangular shape and step cut facets creating a captivating sparkle.

Asscher Cut Diamond

The Asscher cut is a truly unique diamond, with its X-shaped facets and square shape creating a mesmerizing effect.

Radiant Cut Diamond

The Radiant cut is a combination of the Round and Emerald cuts, offering the sparkle of the former and the rectangular shape of the latter.

Cushion Cut Diamond

The Cushion cut has an elegant and romantic shape, with its rounded corners and beautiful sparkle.

Oval Cut Diamond

An elegant and classic choice, the Oval cut diamond has a timeless shape and plenty of sparkle.

Pear Cut Diamond

The Pear cut is a truly romantic diamond, with its teardrop shape and beautiful sparkle.

Marquise Cut Diamond

The Marquise cut is a stunning choice, with its delicate pointed ends and brilliant sparkle.

Heart Cut Diamond

The Heart cut diamond is a symbol of love, with its perfect shape and brilliant sparkle.

Trillion Cut Diamond

An eye-catching and unique cut, the Trillion is a triangular shape with dazzling sparkle and brilliance.